Stat(s) Of The Week: Lawyers’ Happy Place
Which firms have the highest job satisfaction?
Which firms have the highest job satisfaction?
The factors that prompt Biglaw lawyers to make a lateral move.
We’re pleased to introduce our list of Most Desirable Firms, along with other insights from our survey of more than 700 attorneys.
Are you loving it? Leaving it? Grudgingly staying the course? Please share your thoughts in this (always) brief and anonymous survey.
Whether you’re loving your current role or actively seeking a move, please share your thoughts in this brief and anonymous survey.
Please take a minute to share your thoughts in this (always) brief and anonymous survey. Your opinion matters to us.
Market and political forces, such as elections and peer firm hiring, play a role in law firm hiring.
The interviewer may control the format, but you control the message.
As the legal financing industry continues to flourish, we at Lateral Link are excited to announce a unique opportunity that aligns with this dynamic sector's growth.
The strategy of prestigious firms to extend their national platform to smaller markets does not always translate into the best option for those seeking legal counsel.
The decision to make a lateral move, especially one that involves relocating to a different city or state, is not to be taken lightly.
In the age of both shifting partnership structures with the rise of non-equity partnership ranks and mercurial and mysterious compensation formulas, approximating your business’s value on the open market is a daunting task.
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